Pickleball.com Rating Recognition Process

Please review the Rating System Objectives and Ratings Descriptions

How to request a pickleball.com rating be recognized: You may request a PCVG Rating be posted based on your pickleball.com rating if you have completed at least three (3) tournaments in the past three (3) years. This process is available to you if you have not previously been rated through a PCVG Rating Clinic or if wish to have your current Rating adjusted to reflect current skill level.

All pickleball.com rating submissions will be reviewed and may or may not be granted at the discretion of the Rating Clinic Director.

Your member profile on pickleball.com will list your ratings (Doubles, Mixed and Singles) as 4-digit numbers.  The PCVG only recognizes the higher of the Doubles or Mixed ratings (not Singles) and only posts a 2-digit skill rating such as 3.5 or 4.0. The example below shows a 4-digit doubles rating of 4.749 which would be posted as 4.5 provided the individual had participated in at least 3 tournaments in the past 3 years.


Send an Email to: RatingRequest@pickleballcommunity.com with the following:

A picture of your Villages Resident ID, your cell number and a screenshot of your pickleball.com Player Lookup page (similar to the example below).

NOTE: The Rating posted on the PCVG website is for you to use to sign up for appropriate PCVG activities and the monthly tournaments when a rating is required. It is used by the Tournament Directors to guide your placement in the tournaments but your tournament results may generate a request for your Rating to be reconsidered.