4.0 – 4.5 Advanced Mixed PB League

Played on Wednesday at 10:00AM


The 4.0-4.5 Advanced Team Mixed PB League currently has two seasons each year, one in the Fall and one in the Winter.  The Fall Season begins in early October and runs 10 weeks until mid-December.  The Winter Season begins in mid-January and runs 10 or 11 weeks through March. 

The league has been in existence for many years and continues to adjust to the needs of the advanced players in The Villages.  It is under the direction of a non-playing Commissioner and offers an opportunity to participate in a competitive team atmosphere that is both fun and challenging.

Players and subs from the previous season will receive an email with complete registration information.  If you have not previously participated and are interested in this league, please send an email to: AdvancedTeamMixedLeague@PickleballCommunity.com and ask to be put on the email list for the next season’s notification email. 

League Details
Registration Process
Team Selection and Notification Process
Team Rosters