
The PCVG offers monthly Rating Clinics so that players can be assessed on their current level of play to ensure maximum enjoyment of the game.  We have a Rating Clinic Director and a committee of experienced players who conduct the rating process.

Rating System

There are two methods for Villagers to have a Rating entered on our website:

1. Submit their 2-digit PBR (higher of Doubles and Mixed, not singles) from Pickleball.com with a minimum of three tournaments in the last 3 years documented on the same site.  See the Pickleball.com rating process below.

2. Or attend the PCVG Rating Clinic. After you attend a rating clinic, the rating you earn will be posted on this website within 72 hours. 
– Monthly Rating Clinic Skills Assessment
– Rohan (3.0 & 3.5) 2nd Thursday of the month at 2:00 PM

– Rohan (4.0) 1st Thursday of the month at 2:00 PM

Pickleball.com Rating Recognition Process

You may request a PCVG Rating be posted based on your pickleball.com rating if you have completed at least three (3) tournaments in the past three (3) years. This process is available to you if you have not previously been rated through a PCVG Rating Clinic or if wish to have your current Rating adjusted to reflect current skill level.

All pickleball.com rating submissions will be reviewed and may or may not be granted at the discretion of the Rating Clinic Director.

Your member profile on pickleball.com will list your ratings (Doubles, Mixed and Singles) as 4-digit numbers.  The PCVG only recognizes the higher of the Doubles or Mixed ratings (not Singles) and only posts a 2-digit skill rating such as 3.5 or 4.0. The example below shows a 4-digit doubles rating of 4.749 which would be posted as 4.5 provided the individual had participated in at least 3 tournaments in the past 3 years.

Send Us:

A picture of your Villages Resident ID, your cell number and a screenshot of your pickleball.com Player Lookup page (similar to the example below) and a screenshot of your tournament participation.

Any Village resident who enters a “Rated” PCVG League, clinic or tournament, should have the appropriate Rating listed on this website, which confirms their level of play. Whether your Rating in our system comes from attending a Rating Clinic or your PBR is recognized, the resulting Rating in our system does not guarantee eligibility for registration or level of participation in any of our events – these are decided by a Tournament Director or Activity Leader for each event and supported by your valid Villages Resident ID at the time.

Have Ratings Questions? Contact Us Today: