One key to having an accurate rating is the minimum number of games used by the DUPR algorithm. PCVG plans to provide DUPR Camps for the foreseeable future. The Camps will teach participants how to enter play results using the DUPR app and allow players to acquire a game count with comparable players sufficient to generate a reasonably accurate rating. We have determined that 30 games will result in a stable, accurate rating.

The DUPR Camp Program is open to players who have less than 30 games (matches) in their player stats.

It is also open to any player whose Reliability Factor is 60% or lower.

Requirements to attend DUPR Camp:

  • If you don’t have a DUPR account go to the App Store, download the app and follow the instructions to create your account.
  • Bring your smartphone to camp.
  • If you have a DUPR account sign up for camp with the same name; no nick names, no initials.
No PCVG Villages rating is required.
  • All non-rated players (NR) must attend the Thursday DUPR Boot Camp Session at Lake Miona Rec Center 10:00AM-11:50AM.
  • Please arrive 15 minutes early for check in and verification

DUPR Camp schedule:

  • Lake Miona Rec Center – Sundays @ 10:00AM to 11:50AM
  • Everglades Rec Center – Mondays @ 10:00AM to 11:50AM
  • DUPR BOOT CAMP:  Lake Miona Rec Center - Thursdays @10:00AM to 11:50AM

DUPR Camp Program Information

  1. Sessions may be cancelled or moved to other locations if not full
  2. A Phone # is MANDATORY in the comment line. If you don’t include your phone # you may not be notified of venue changes or cancellations

  3. If you attend a session, you will play 3 games, if parings allow you may play 6 games

  4. Learn the signup genius system, read the instructions. Due to the workload, we are unable to help.

  5. If you have not followed the procedure, you may be removed from the line up. If you have 2 “no shows” you may be removed from the program completely

  6. There will be NO same day cancellations, except in extreme emergencies. DO NOT sign up unless you can attend

  7. Signups begin every Wed at 8pm for all sessions


Watch this video to learn more about DUPR: