3.5 Mixed Ladder League
Mondays: Noon @ Big Cypress Recreation Center
Signup for the Spring League on March 1st
The PCVG 3.5 Mixed Ladder League Spring season sign-up runs from March 1st to the 10th. To join this league you'll need to be a Village Resident (full-time or seasonal) aged 50 years or older in 2025. You need to have a PCVG rating of 3.5 but not have a 4.0+ DUPR if you have 30+ games and at least a 60% reliability in the DUPR system. If you do not have a PCVG rating, you may join with a DUPR rating between 3.500 and 3.999 if you have the 30+ games and minimum 60% reliability.
The league plays Fridays 10:00 – 12:00 at the Odell Recreation Center. Our season starts on Tuesday April 11th and runs through June 20th.
Commissioner: Susan Campbell, (314) 283-8036, rwq014@yahoo.com
Both team members must be residents of The Villages (full-time or seasonal), aged 50+ with a PCVG Rating of 3.5 and not have a 4.0+ DUPR with 30+ games and a reliability of at least 60% in the DUPR system. If you do not have a PCVG Rating, you may qualify for the league with a DUPR Rating between 3.5 and 3.999 and 30+ games and a reliability of at least 60% logged in the DUPR system.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Susan Campbell at 314-283-8036 or click the Contact Susan button below
Policies, Procedures & Guidelines
Attendance, Late Arrival, No Show Policy
Play starts at noon. If a player is more than 10 minutes late and a sub has not been found, their first match will be forfeited. If the player fails to show by the start of the second match and no sub has been found, then their second match shall be forfeited as well. In either case, that player will be tracked as a No Show. A single No Show may result in removal from the league as determined by the Commissioner. More than one No Show will result in automatic removal from the league.
Play Suspended, Time-Out, Behavior Policy
One timeout is allowed per game. Hydration stops are allowed as needed. Medical timeouts are always allowed (15 minutes). If a player is unable to continue after their medical timeout, then any unfinished and unstarted games are forfeited.
Bullying, threats, or physical altercations will not be tolerated and may result in removal from the league.
If play is stopped due to weather, all completed games are counted and unfinished games are not. Rainout dates are not rescheduled.
Subbing Policies
1) Teams may select a permanent replacement for the remainder of the season. As necessary, subs can be brought in on a weekly basis.
2) If a sub turns down a request to play for a Team, they may not play for another Team that same week.
3) Subs must meet the same eligibility guidelines as listed above.