Virtual Classroom

The Virtual Classroom sessions are held virtually and must be viewed in their entirety before attending Intro to Pickleball Part One. The videos include the following topics: Physical demands, Fitness requirements, Safety Procedures, Etiquette, Rules/Scoring, Equipment needs

Required Videos

The videos listed below are REQUIRED VIEWING before taking Introduction to Pickleball Part One (On-Court Session). They are short, but comprehensive and should be viewed in the order listed below. Click on each link below to view the video.

Pickleball Safety
Pickleball Warmup and Fitness
How To Play Pickleball: Part 1 of 3 – Intro & Definitions
How To Play Pickleball: Part 2 of 3 – Serving & Scoring
How To Play Pickleball: Part 3 of 3 – Rules and Gameplay
Doubles Pickleball – The Basic Overall Strategy

Non Volley Zone Rules