Spring League Registration Opens Feb 16 @ 7:00AM
Mixed 3.5/4.0 League
There are two qualifiers for participation in the Monday Mixed League. Either you have a PCVG 3.5 or 4.0 rating published on the PCVG website or you have a DUPR rating of 3.500 to 4.499 with a minimum of 30 games and a 60% reliability.
Mondays @ Rohan: 10AM: Jan 13th through Mar 31st
League Details
- There are two qualifiers for participation in the Monday Mixed League. Either you have a PCVG 3.5 or 4.0 rating published on the PCVG website or you have a DUPR rating of 3.500 to 4.499 with a minimum of 30 games and a 60% reliability.
- Sign up for the league draft will end on November 24th
- All qualified players will be entered into a draft process which takes place on December 9th
- Players will be notified of their selection onto a team by December 16th
- The season Meet & Greet will be on January 6th
- Games start at 10:00 AM and will end at 12:50PM
- Game play selection will continue to be measured carefully to ensure competitive play amongst all 4 participants on the court
- All games will be entered into DUPR
- If you will miss more than 3 play dates, please sign up as a substitute
Fall 2024 Medal Winners

1st Place: Net Assets

2nd Place: The Royals

3rd Place: The Fireballs