Winning Isn’t Everything, But Making the Effort to Win Is.” – Vince Lombardi.

Thursdays: 10 AM @ Rohan Recreation Center

Mission Statement

The Women’s 4.0 League mission is to provide 4.0 rated women pickleball players a structured venue for competitive "team" play.

The focus of the League, though, extends beyond competition. It includes an opportunity for the players to share their enthusiasm for the game, help one another improve, build team camaraderie, and emulate good sportsmanship.

The goals of our play format are to create teams with balanced skill competencies and to foster a competitive spirit while championing having fun playing the game.

League Leadership Team

The Women’s 4.0 League Leadership Team is comprised of women who dedicate their time, talents, and passion to pickleball. They consist of Judy Frates, who serves as the Commissioner, Captains Deb Halterman, Vicki Hesselgrave, Tracy McKenna, Betty Jo Mercer, Anita Poynter, and Jan Witt, who all bring unique skills to the Leadership Team. Terri Grabiak is the Chief Technical Officer & Sub Coordinator and Theresa Wiederoder is the League’s Social Event & Giving Coordinator.

League Membership

League membership criteria is as follows:

  • Must be a resident of The Villages (full-time or seasonal).
  • Must be 50 years or older in the year of signup.
  • Must have a 4.0 PCVG rating. Any other rating than a 4.0 PCVG rating is not a qualifier.  
  • If you do not have a PCVG rating at all, there is one alternative which is a DUPR rating of 4.0-4.4999 with a minimum of 30 games played and at least 60% reliability.

Also, one’s name must be on the League’s Membership Roster.  Click here to see if your name is listed on the current Roster. If you are not on the Roster and you meet the criteria above, click the League Membership Request Form button located below.

NOTE:  PCVG 4.0 Rating Clinics are held once a month.  Click here to view the dates and more information on the PCVG Rating Clinics.

Join Our League

If you wish to join the 4.0 Women's League; and if you meet the League requirements as outlined above, click the League Membership Request Form button.

Team Name Captain Team Color
Shots & Giggles Vicki Hesselgrave Purple
Poach Posse Tracy McKenna Orange
Just Dink It Jan Witt Hot Pink
Ace Crushers Deb Halterman Red
Hot Shots Anita Poynter Dark Blue
Causing Chaos Betty Jo Mercer White